三相神(梵文:त्रिमूर्तिः trimūrti),垃梵文裏向原意爲“有三種形式”,是印度教裏个一隻概念,“擔宇宙个创造,维持搭毁灭个功能分别人性化为创造者梵天,维护者或保护者毗濕奴,以及毁灭者或转化者濕婆[1][2]。箇三位神灵畀认为是“印度教个三合一(the Hindu triad)”[3]或“伟大个三位一体”[4],或称为“梵天-毗濕奴濕婆”。


  • 答磨(暗,Tamas)表示無知、懶惰及靈性个黑暗,搭仔毀滅之神濕婆有關。
  • 罗阇(忧,Rajas)表示活動、熱情及新个開始,搭梵天有關。
  • 萨埵(喜,Sattva)表示純淨、友善及和諧,搭毗濕奴有關。[5]


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  1. For quotation defining the trimurti see Matchett, Freda. "The Purāṇas", in: Flood (2003), p. 139.
  2. For the Trimurti system having Brahma as the creator, Vishnu as the maintainer or preserver, and Shiva as the transformer or destroyer. see Zimmer (1972) p. 124.
  3. For definition of trimurti as "the unified form" of Brahmā, Viṣṇu and Śiva and use of the phrase "the Hindu triad" see: Apte, p. 485.
  4. For the term "Great Trinity" in relation to the Trimurti see: Jansen, p. 83.
  5. Wolfgang Bauer, Irmtraud Dümotz, Sergius Golowin: Lexikon der Symbole. Heyne 2001

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