光速,意指光拉真空中个速率,是一个物理常量,一般记作c,精确值为299,792,458 米每秒(≈3.00×10 8 m/s)。箇一数值之所以是精确值,是因为米个定义就是基于光速搭国际辰光标准上个[1][2]。
狭义相对论有得弗少有悖常理,却有实验证明个结果,例如质能等价(E = mc2)、长度收缩(运动中个物体长度会缩小)搭时间膨胀(运动中个时钟走得更慢)等。长度缩减搭时间加长个比率γ称为洛伦兹因子,渠个定义为γ = (1 − v2/c2)−1/2,其中v是物体个运动速度。拉速度v比c小咾多个情况下(包括大部分日常所看到个慢速运动),γ咾接近1。迭个辰光狭义相对论就可以近似为经典力学中个伽利略相对性。然而拉v邪气接近c辰光,γ趋向无限大,相对论性现象也就会呈现出来了。
编辑- ↑ Penrose, R(2004).The Road to Reality: A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe.Vintage Books,410–1.ISBN 978-0-679-77631-4.原文:“... the most accurate standard for the metre is conveniently defined so that there are exactly 299,792,458 of them to the distance travelled by light in a standard second, giving a value for the metre that very accurately matches the now inadequately precise standard metre rule in Paris.”
- ↑ Uzan, J-P(2008).The Natural Laws of the Universe: Understanding Fundamental Constants.Springer,43–4.ISBN 0-387-73454-6.