《我願立誓為國(I Vow to Thee, My Country)》是一首英國个愛國讚美詩,來1921年創作起,由古斯塔夫·霍斯特作曲,塞西爾·斯普林·賴斯爵士作詩。箇音樂最開始是嘸词个旋律,霍斯特後瑲畀佢取名謳《薩克斯特德》,取在霍斯特 1917 年組曲《行星組曲》个“木星”樂章。
1926年,霍斯特畀這首曲子再調和音調,畀佢變作首頌讚歌,赫畀收錄在《頌讚詩歌集 (Songs of Praise)》裡頭。
澀西爻·春籟(Sir Cecil Spring Rice)爵士个《頌讚歌集 (Songs of Praise) 》(1925)裡頭刊印个箇詩只是1918年个兩節組成。
第二節个末腳排是從《箴言》 3:17 取出來 :佢行个,全是安乐,佢走个,全是平安( KJV ),箇裡佢是指智慧。
箇墶囥在第三段个也是佢个诗《兩隻祖國(Urbs Dei/The Two Father Lands)》(1908–1912)个頭一節,箇段從來嘸畀曲寫起,但有時也會用來唱。 [1]
- I vow to thee, my country, all earthly things above,
- Entire and whole and perfect, the service of my love;
- The love that asks no questions, the love that stands the test,
- That lays upon the altar the dearest and the best;
- The love that never falters, the love that pays the price,
- The love that makes undaunted the final sacrifice.
- 我願立誓為國,超然普世萬物,
- 完善、美麗、全然,是我畀尔个愛;
- 箇愛嘸悔嘸怨,箇愛歷經試煉,
- 箇愛祭壇列陳,至尊至親;
- 箇愛堅如山岩,箇愛弗惜鮮血,
- 箇愛嘸懼嘸榷,直至最後犧牲。
- And there's another country, I've heard of long ago,
- Most dear to them that love her, most great to them that know;
- We may not count her armies, we may not see her King;
- Her fortress is a faithful heart, her pride is suffering;
- And soul by soul and silently her shining bounds increase,
- And her ways are ways of gentleness, and all her paths are peace.
- 有彼巍巍遠國,我儕久已有聞,
- 慕佢者奉如至親,知者識她甚偉;
- 守土弗以甲兵,也復難謁佢君;
- 雄壘鑄在堅心,磨難成尊榮;
- 靜默向薪火相傳,疆界日增益長,
- 所行是為懷柔,所經道合謙恕。
- And there's another country, I've heard of long ago,
- Most dear to them that love her, most great to them that know;
- We may not count her armies, we may not see her King;
- Her fortress is a faithful heart, her pride is suffering;
- And soul by soul and silently her shining bounds increase,
- And her ways are ways of gentleness, and all her paths are peace.
- 我瑲聞我國呼召,在海个還一面,
- 行過荒蕪个水波,熱切个尋著我。
- 佢劍束在腰間,佢盔也戴在頭,
- 佢腳邊沉眠个,忠骨嘸聲;
- 我聽著兵戈作響,佢槍出如雷;
- 我走近,佢个身邊,守護佢个希望。
- ↑ 《澀西爻·春籟爵士个信搭友情(The Letters and Friendships of Sir Cecil Spring Rice)》。 1929年。第433頁。
- ↑ 《寂靜个聲(The sound of silence)》。BBC新聞在線。 2005年11月14號。