
乔治三世(英文全名:George William Frederick,1738年6月4号-1820年1月20号)是英国汉诺威王朝个第三个国王,立在1760年到1820年当中阶段统治英国替英国立在全球个殖民地。伊同时还兼任汉诺威公爵(来自伊个汉诺威家族身份)。弗过伊弗像自家个爷爷搭爸爸,一生当中从来嘸去过汉诺威,也弗大会讲德文。

Quarter-length portrait in oils of a clean-shaven young George in profile wearing a red suit, the Garter star, a blue sash, and a powdered wig. He has a receding chin and his forehead slopes away from the bridge of his nose making his head look round in shape.
George III by Allan Ramsay, 1762
