尼克·蘭德(Nick Land,1962年1月17日生),現代英國哲學家,恐怖小說作家,博客作者,目前居於上海。先是馬克思主義者,後垃Fanged Noumena一書中論述資本個恐怖搭跨時間性,發展出自個加速主義理論。后又轉向另類右派,支持新反動主義,反對退步左翼,平等主義搭自由主義,認為西方個民主系統阻礙資本搭科技加速,必定崩潰。目前主要活動垃推特。
编辑- Heidegger's 'Die Sprache im Gedicht' and the Cultivation of the Grapheme 档案,存勒互联网档案馆当中。(2020年10月31号) (PhD Thesis, University of Essex, 1987)
- The Thirst For Annihilation: Georges Bataille and Virulent Nihilism (An Essay in Atheistic Religion) (London and New York: Routledge, 1992)
- (w/ Keith Ansell-Pearson & Joseph A. McCahery) Machinic Postmodernism: Complexity, Technics and Regulation (SAGE Publications, 1996)
- The Shanghai World Expo Guide 2010 (China Intercontinental Press, 2010)
- Shanghai Basics (China Intercontinental Press, 2010)
- Fanged Noumena: Collected Writings 1987-2007 (Urbanomic, 2011)
- Calendric Dominion (Urbanatomy Electronic, 2013)
- Suspended Animation (Urbanatomy Electronic, 2013)
- Fission (Urbanomic, 2014)
- Templexity: Disordered Loops through Shanghai Time (Urbanatomy Electronic, 2014)
- Phyl-Undhu: Abstract Horror, Exterminator (Time Spiral Press, 2014)
- Shanghai Times (Urbanatomy Electronic, 2014) Template:ASIN.
- Dragon Tales: Glimpses of Chinese Culture (Urbanatomy Electronic, 2014) Template:ASIN.
- Xinjiang Horizons (Urbanatomy Electronic, 2014) Template:ASIN.
- Chasm (Time Spiral Press, 2015) Template:ASIN.