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Cet utilisateur a pour langue maternelle le français.
This User is able to contribute with an intermediate level of English.
it-1 Questo utente può contribuire con un livello semplice di italiano.


Please help me !! 编辑

original photo
the image I would like to see after
            I wonder can you please give me a hand with this photo —— I kind of would like to see the 4 lines more "straightened" ; and let the viewers not see the 2 "legs" in reflection - can you do that with your photo tools ?

            And if that's not too hard, is that possible also alter the photo on the right for me as well I would like to have the "K-ATM" plate in reasonably good shape, and perhaps with a bit of ceiling but trim of all the back-ground images (street vendor's clothings, lights etc. etc.)

            Thanks a lot / mercy beaucoup !!

                  康非字典 2008年11月3日 (礼拜一) 09:43 (UTC)